Friday, 10 January 2014

First Draft Ancillary Task

  This is our first draft of the album cover. Following research  of existing album work we found an image of Gabrielle Aplin that we felt captured the tone of our music video and reflected the narrative line. The image focused upon the artist Aplin, positioned with her hand under her chin, wearing pastel colours with a pensive facial expression, like she is reminiscing of a story she has to tell. This became a significant analysis of the art work as it is exactly what we wanted to portray through our model - we planned to express to the audience that the model on the front cover has been through a journey in which the theme of loss is reflected. 

For our first draft our music video was entirely narrative based, this meant we chose to use an 'artist' not introduced in our music video.

When referring to the mise - en - scene of the shot we wanted to also create a pastel based colour scheme, similar to the Gabrielle Aplin style model. We thought this presented her purity almost suggesting she has been stripped back of 'colour' in her life having lost her partner. We also experimented with lighting of the shot - due to lack of resources we did not have a white screen to shoot the model in front of, instead we had to compromise and use a white sheet, this worked fairly well once edited on photoshop. We wanted the lighting to be bright and cold, to also resemble her loss and mourning. Again due to lack of resources, we created light reflectors out of foil wrapped around a white tray to enhance the lighting quality as much as possible. We then experimented with warmer, orangey lighting however decided this did not work and the quality was not up to a high enough standard. Another area in which we wish to change for re-shoot of the front cover was the makeup the model was wearing. We decided that her dark eye liner withdrew from the purity of the shot as it is quite a harsh and took attention away from other areas.

When referring to the framing of the shot, at first we took the photo straight on similar to the Gabrielle Aplin, however upon editing we decided that due to the rule of three divide of the page, by having the image of the model in the middle the audiences attention was only focused upon the models face rather than the artists name and title of the song. We decided that to balance the focus more we should position the model more to the right of the frame with the text above slightly, to the left. When re-shooting we also need to consider room for text, in the original shoot we did not do this and when it came to looking over the images, we realised we had cut the top of the models head off.

A significant change we plan to make for the re- shoot is to change the model we are using. Following feedback from our target audience, we realised by using another model not featured in the music video it created confusion as to who this character actually is. Therefore, we have decided to include scenes of lip sycning in the music video to conclude to the audience who the artist is, this will also be the main protagonist in the music video, who we will then use for the front cover. Once we have created this, we will then ask for feedback again to see whether there is still confusion or whether they feel it has improved. 

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