Thursday, 12 September 2013

Final Story Board Upload

1) The establishing shot will be a medium long shot of the protagonist sitting at a window seat looking out. The lighting will be bright and natural coming through the window. The camera will then zoom into a mid close up of the protagonist which we will then cut to a close up of the girls face, showing tears to convey her sadness and grief. The atmosphere at this point will be distressed creating a tone of mourning.

2)  The camera will then cut to the protagonist picking up a framed picture of herself and her boyfriend. The camera will then pan around the protagonist to an over the shoulder shot. The lighting will remain natural from the window. This scene is set in the present tense. 

5) This scene will show the couple sitting up against a tree. reading a book called 'PS I Love You', we decided to include this book as it is symbolic of romance and loss, which are themes that are prominent in our story line as our main protagonist dies. Therefore, this foreshadows later events in the music video. The female character will be blowing bubbles which will represent how delicate their happiness is at this point. 
We will show a close-up shot of the page number, and the male protagonist inserting a book mark when she's laughing too much for him to continue reading.

6) We plan to use a variety of shots that take place as the couple walk down a dirt track among fields. Shots will include them laughing, having fun, messing around. We have chosen to use a rural and isolated location as this brings focus on to the couple, almost as if they're the only ones that matter to each other. They're the most important aspect of each others lives. 

7) We will then shot scenes located in a more domestic environment, where the couple seem at home and comfortable with each other. We plan to show them playing and laughing. We will use artificial lighting in the form of fairy lights to create a romantic atmosphere, but the fact that the lighting is getting dimmer and darker as opposed to the natural bright lighting prior to this, represents something going wrong in the future. 

8) The camera will then cut to a close up shot of the alarm clock reading '2:37' or a similar time in the early hours of the morning. This immediately conveys to the audience that something is wrong. The camera will then pan to the male protagonist who sits up abruptly in bed, waking his girlfriend because he is in pain. Despite having no dialogue to communicate what exactly is going on, the audience are able to infer to what has happened. We found from studying an existing clip from 'What To Expect When You're Expecting' allowed us to understand that this is an effective way to explain to the audience that our protagonist needs medical attention. 

9) The next scene includes the male protagonist being helped into the car by his girlfriend, this does not conform to gender stereotypes, which is something our target audience outlined as something they would prefer in a music video. Typically it is the female character who is portrayed as being vulnerable, so we have chosen to present our male character as being the dependent one in this scene. The pace of the camera will be slowed down to illustrate the change in tone, in comparison to the previous scenes. The camera will also include dolly shots to close-ups of the male protagonist's face, to express his sad and fearful emotions.

10) We will include a mid close-up shot of the hospital sign to confirm that something is seriously wrong and that they are driving to seek medical assistance. As a possible scene to follow up we are considering shooting a scene showing the couple sitting in an office environment, speaking to a doctor. Although there will again be no dialogue, through facial expressions and body language the audience will understand that the couple are receiving bad news in regards to the male protagonist's health.

11) We then return to scene 2, showing the over the shoulder shot of the female protagonist clutching the photo frame. This will allow the audience to understand that the video has returned to present tense. Showing her on her own symbolises that she is now alone, having lost her boyfriend, who is featured in the photo but no longer with her. 

12) We then plan to return to the same location where the couple first appear together (Wicksteed Park) this will include various shots showing her placing flowers under the tree where they had previously sat together, clutching the book that he had once read to her. A close-up shot will reveal the female protagonist opening the book to the same page number seen in scene 5, where the bookmark still remains. She will be wearing a black dress which is symbolic of grief and mourning.

13) The camera will zoom in on the female character writing a note that says 'I miss you', which she attaches to a paper lantern. We will the cut to a mid-close up of her releasing the lantern and then finally a long-shot as the lantern rises in the air, leaving her standing in a field alone.

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