Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Audience Interviews

Mr Tang Interview:
We decided it was necessary to interview someone who is not within our target audience, in order to contrast between their needs and expectations and the needs of our focus target audience. The differences in his preference around music videos compared to our other interviews was obvious and is impacted by his age. 

Joanna Interview:
We interviewed a female member of our target audience in order to gain her perspective and preference in relation to music videos. She actually made it very clear that she preferred real narrative with no cliche elements, which especially did not appeal to her. We will take this into account when we produce our own music video, as it is a deciding factor on whether the audience like a music video or not.In relation to characters, Joanna preferred real people, and not predictable stereotypes as it is over used. This means that when we select actors for our music video, we will avoid and take into account this view. 

Lewis Interview:
We finally interviewed a male audience member, because as a typical teenage boy the way he looks at music videos is very different from a girl of the same age. He said that attractive women were a big appeal to his music video taste, which supports the theory of the male gaze, regarding the objectification of women. Whilst some of his views were the same, this obviously made a difference to his music video preference. 

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