Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Action Plan

Week 5-
Lesson 3 26/06/13- Today we are going to analyse our questionnaire results now that they have been converted into pie charts and are easier to understand. From this we will be able to understand the requirements, expectations and needs of our target audience. We will then re-watch the interview videos that we filmed and analyse for the same details.

Lesson 4- 27/06/13- We are going to create a large, in detail mind map which will include:

  • Narrartive ideas
  • Character ideas
  • Locations
  • Song choice- and looking at the lyrics to make sure that the narrative makes sense
  • Shots
  • Lighting and filters
  • Aspects of mise-en-scene such as costume, props etc. 
After doing this we will then look into finding our choice of song.

Week 6-
Lesson 1- 1/07/13- We will upload the mindmap that we created to our blog. Following the song choice research that we do and depending on the song that we intend to use, we will email Sony Music Entertainment regarding rights to their songs.

Lesson 2- 2/07/13- We will annotate the lyrics to our song/songs to try and develop a narrative that works well with the lyrics. We will then hand this to a member of our target audience to see what their response is and weather they like the approach that we are taking to the song.

Lesson 3- 3/07/13- We will analyse music videos where narrative is the main focus in order to gain an understanding of how they convey the narrative with not much dialogue.

Lesson 4- 4/07/13- We will continue analysing narrative based music videos and upload these to our blogs.

Week 7-
Lesson 1- 8/07/13- Using the annotated lyrics sheets, we will create a draft storyboard for our two favourite songs, one being our favourite and one being our backup, from which point we will expect to have a response from Sony Music.

Lesson 2 9/07/13- We will continue making our draft storyboard.

Lesson 3- 10/07/13- We will continue making our draft storyboard. Once this is complete and we are happy with it we will again hand this out to our target audience and receive feedback which we will record and upload to our blog.

Lesson 4- 11/07/13- We will analyse the feedback that we got and adapt the storyboard where appropriate.

Week 8-
Lesson 1- 15/07/13- Following the feedback and response from our draft storyboard we will then create our final storyboard which we intend to follow through with when making the music video

Lesson 2- 16/07/13- We will continue to make our final storyboard.

Lesson 3- 17/07/13- We will continue to make our final storyboard.

Lesson 4- 18/07/13- We will get feedback from our teacher and once approved we will upload our final storyboard to our blog.

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