A Fine Frenzy - 'Near To You' -
This was our second choice, which we used as a back up incase our original song does not work.
By annotating the lyrics of the song, we were able to record initial ideas for a rough narrative structure.
This would enable us to build a strong narrative that works well with the lyrics and the mood of the song, which was an aspect our audience indicated was something they look for in a successful music video.
Kodaline - 'All I Want' -
This was our first choice song, and the one we intend to use in the music video following the permission to use the audio version of a YouTube cover artist. We also annotated the lyrics so that the narrative will work in a successful, synchronised manner with the story line. We discussed different interpretations to the meaning of the lyrics, and thought about what mood, tone and atmosphere we want to create.
According to the uses and gratifications, audience members are assumed to be active, and not passive, and therefore, take an active role in interpreting media texts which they integrate into their own lives. We have taken this into account when deciding to centre the narrative around the loss of a loved one, which is a life change that everyone can relate to.
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